design. photo. create.

Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, I am
the gal with all of the
Artful Ideas, Angela Robak.
I earned my Bachelor of Fine Art, with a specialty in
Photographic Arts from the Alberta University of the Arts in Calgary, Alberta. Grateful for the experience, I continue to use strong photographic elements within all of my layout and design projects... not to mention that I snap pictures of just about everything.
The bottom line is that I thrive on creativity. It makes my heart sing. After all, life wouldn't be nearly as vibrant without design,
photography, family, travel, gardening, meditation, and ceramics...
or the colour orange.
Valuable experiences have been aplenty during my 30 year career
in print media, pre-press, branding, photography, blogging and
web design.
I look forward to what enfolds both personally
and professionally – while remaining open to all possibility.